I am in Spain!

This is going to be a boring, but hopefully frequent, update of all the things I do and see while I am in Cadiz, Spain. I have a feeling my mom and dad are going to be the only readers, but I'm okay with that.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

I can't believe this is my last real day of school.

Well, it's not really a real day. A couple people still have to present in linguistics, and then we are reviewing for Monday's test. In literature, we are having a party. (All the food has to relate back to what we have studied, so we're being creative, and my teacher, Rebeca, is bringing her baby.) I presented first yesterday to get it over with and I think I did fairly well. I'm just glad to be done because now I can relax my last few days here!

Tonight is our farewell dinner with API. Last night we went to the movie theatre and saw "Bandidas." I don't know what it's called in English (probably "Bandits) but it's the new movie with Penelope Cruz and Salma Hayek. It was hilarious in Spanish, but I bet it would be funny too in English with their accents and all. I also got to have palomitas, which means "little doves"--popcorn! It made me miss home BIG TIME! I can't wait to order popcorn in an American movie theatre and at least the overpriced food would actually be large quantities. They think a large Coca Light is 50 centiliters!

The biggest complaint about my home here would have to be the shower. It's fine in itself, and the water can be hot or cold so none of that's a problem, but the water pressure is so strong that it knots up my hair when I use it! It's pretty annoying because my hair always looks ratty. Oh well... in just over a week I'll be using my old shower!


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